379 . In this year Gratian succeeded to the empire.
A.D. 381 . In this year Maximus the Caesar came to the empire.
Born in the land of Britain, he then passed over into Gaul. Once in Gaul he slew
the Emperor Gratian; and drove his brother Valentinian from his country (Italy).
Afterwards, Valentinian collected an army, and gained the empire by
slewing Maximus. At approximately this time, the error of Pelagius arose over
the world.
A.D. 418 . This was he year in which the Romans collected all
the hoards of gold that were in Britain.
Some of which they buried in the earth so that afterwards, no man may
ever find the gold.
Some of it they carried away into Gaul with them.
A.D. 423 . In this year Theodosius the younger succeeded to the
A.D. 429 . In this year, Pope Celestinus sent forth the Bishop
Palladius so that he may establish their faith with the Scottish
A.D. 430 . In this year, Pope Celestinus sent forth Patricius
so that he may preach baptism to the Scottish.
A.D. 435 . In this year the city of Rome was sacked by the
Goths. Never
since this year have the Romans reigned in Britain after four hundred and
seventy winters since Gaius Julius first sougth the land.
A.D. 443 . In this year the Britons sent overseas to beg for
assistance from Rome against the Picts.
Unfortunately, the Romans were at war with Atila, king of the Huns and so
no assistance was sent.
With no help forthcoming, they then requested the same help from the
nobles of the Angle nation.
A.D. 444 . St. Martin died in this year.
A.D. 448 . In this year two monks came from the eastern country
to Jerusalem for the sake of prayer, and John the Baptist showed them his head
in the place that was the palace of Herod.
A.D. 449 . In this year the empire was assumed by Valentinian
and Marcian, and the two of them reigned for seven winters. During their reign,
Vortigern, King of the Britons invited Hengest and Horsa to a place called
Ipwomesfleet for their assistance to support the Britons against the Picts. They
did so and won victory wherever they went.
Hengest and Horsa then sent to the Angles for more help, and in doing so
described the Britons as worthless and that the land was rich. Greater support
was received. With the support came men from the three tribes of Germany, The
Sacons, the Angles and the Jutes.
A.D. 455 . In this year, Vortigern the King fought with Hengest
and Horsa at a place called Aylesford. After Horsa was slain, Hengist, with his
son Esc, took the kingdom.
A.D. 457 . In this year, at a place called Crayford,
Hengest and Esc slew four thousand Britons with which they fought.
Afterwards, in great consternation, the Britons fled to London, forsaking
the land of Kent.
A.D. 465 . In this year, at a place called Wippedfleet, Hengest
and Esc fought with the Welsh. Altogether they slew twelve Welsh leaders.
A thane on their side called Wipped was also slain.
A.D. 473 . In this year, immense booty was taken from the Welsh
after Hengest and Esc fought with them.
The Welsh also fled from the English.
A.D. 477 . In this year, at a place called Cymenshore, Ella
landed, in three ships, with his three sons, Cymen, and Wlenking, and Cissa.
There they fought and slew many of the Welsh. Those that weren’t slew were
driven into a wood called Andred'sley.
A.D. 482 . In this year, the blessed Gregory recorded in the
book of Dialogues the splendour of the virtues of the blessed Abbot Benedict,
which caused him to shine in this world by the splendour of those virtues.
A.D. 485 . In this year, the Welsh nigh Mecred's-Burnsted fought with Ella.
A.D. 488 . In this year, the kingdom was succeeded by Esc who
went on to rule as King of the men of Kent for twenty-four winters.
A.D. 490 . In this year, the city of Andred was besieged by
Ella and Cissa, and all that were therein were slain. Not one Britn was left
there afterwards.
A.D. 495 . In this year, two leaders, Cerdic and Cynric his son
came to Britain.They landed at a place called Cerdic’s-ore with five ships.
They fought with the Welsh the day they landed. Cerdic died and his son Cynric
succeeded to the government, and held it six and twenty winters. When he died,
his son Ceawlin succeeded and reigned for a further seventeen years. After the
death of Ceawlin, Ceol succeeded to the government, and reigned five years.
After Ceol died, his brother Ceolwulf succeeded him and reigned for a further
seventeen years.
Their kin goeth to Cerdic. Then it was the turn of Cynegils, Ceolwulf's
brother's son, to succeed and he reigned for one and thirty winters. Cynegils
was the first of the West-Saxon Kings to receive Baptism into the Christian
faith. Then the son of Cynegils, Cenwall suceeded of
succeeded and reigned one and thirty winters. The government was held for
one year after his death by his Queen, Sexburga. The kingdom was then succeeded
by Escwine for two years, whose kin goeth to Cerdic. Then it was the turn for
Centwine, the son of Cynegils, to suceed the kingdom of the West-Saxons, and
he reigned nine years. After which it was Ceadwall that succeeded to the
government, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and
he held it three years. After which Ina succeeded to the kingdom of the
West-Saxons, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and he reigned for thirty-seven winters. After which
Ethelheard suceeded, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and he reigned for sixteen years. Then it was the turn for Cuthred to suceed, whose kin goeth
to Cerdic, and he reigned for sixteen winters. After which Sigebriht suceeded,
whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and he reigned for only one year. Then it was Cynwulf
who suceeded, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and he reigned for one and thirty
winters. And then Brihtric suceeded, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and he reigned
for sixteen
years. It was then turn for Egbert to succeed to the kingdom, and he then held
it seven and thirty winters, and seven months. Then Ethelwulf, his son suceeded,
and reigned for eighteen years and ahalf. Ethelwulf was the son of Egbert,
Egbert of Ealmund, Ealmund of Eafa, Eafa of Eoppa, Eoppa of Ingild, Ingild of Cenred
(Ina of Cenred, Cuthburga of Cenred, and Cwenburga of Cenred), Cenred of Ceolwald, Ceolwald of Cuthwulf, Cuthwulf of
Cuthwine, Cuthwine of Celm, Celm of Cynric, Cynric of Creoda, Creoda of Cerdic. Then succeeded Ethelbald, the son of Ethelwulf, to the
kingdom, and held it five years. Then succeeded Ethelbert, his brother, and reigned five years. Then succeeded
Ethelred, his brother, to the kingdom, and held it five years. Then succeeded Alfred, their brother, to the government. And then had elapsed
of his age three and twenty winters, and three hundred and ninety-six winters from the time when his kindred first gained
the land of Wessex from the Welsh. And he held the kingdom a year and a half less than thirty winters. Then succeeded Edward,
the son of Alfred, and reigned twenty-four winters. When he died, then succeeded Athelstan, his son, and reigned fourteen
years and seven weeks and three days. Then succeeded Edmund, his brother, and reigned six years and a half, wanting two nights.
Then succeeded Edred, his brother, and reigned nine years and six weeks. Then succeeded Edwy, the son of Edmund, and reigned three
years and thirty-six weeks, wanting two days. When he died, then succeeded Edgar, his brother, and reigned sixteen years and eight
weeks and two nights. When he died, then succeeded Edward, the son of Edgar, and reigned
501 . In this year Porta and his two sons, Beda and Mela, came into Britain, with two ships, at a place called Portsmouth. They
soon landed, and slew on the spot a young Briton of very high rank.
A.D. 508 . In this year, a British King called Natanleod was
slain and five thousand men with him by Cerdic and Cynric . Afterwards the land
as far as Charford was named Netley.
A.D. 514 . In this year, the West-Saxons came into Britain at
Cerdic’s-ore with three ships. Stuff and Wihtgar put the Britons into flight
when they fought with them.
A.D. 519 . In this year, the government of the West-Saxons was
undertook by Cerdic and Cynric. In the same year they fought at Charford.
A.D. 527 . In this year, at a place called Cerdic’s-ley,
Cerdic and Cynric fought with the Britons.
A.D. 530 . In this year, the Isle of Wight was taken by Cerdic
and Cynric after many men were slain in Carisbrook.
A.D. 534 . In this year, the first king of the West-Saxons,
Cynric died. Cynric his son succeeded to the government, and reigned for a
further twenty-six winters. And to their nephews, Stuff and Wihtgar, they gave
the whole of the Isle of Wight.
A.D. 538 . In this year,
the sun was eclipsed, fourteen days before the calends of March, from before morning until nine.
A.D. 540 . In this year the sun was eclipsed on the twelfth day
before the calends of July; and the stars showed themselves full nigh half an hour over nine.
A.D. 544 . In this year died Wihtgar; and men buried him at
A.D. 547 . In this year began the reign of Ida, from whom the
first royal kindred of the Northumbrians. Ida was the son of Eoppa, Eoppa of Esa,
Esa of Ingwy, Ingwy of Angenwit, Angenwit of Alloc, Alloc of Bennoc, Bennoc of
Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of Woden. Woden of Fritholaf, Fritholaf of
Frithowulf, Frithowulf of Finn, Finn of Godolph, Godolph of Geata. Ida reigned
for twelve years. He built Bamburgh-Castle, which was first surrounded with a
hedge, and afterwards with a wall.
A.D. 552 . In this year, at a site called Sarum, Cynric fought
with the Britons and put them to flight. Cerdic was the father of Cynric, Cerdic
was the son of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis, Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin,
Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of Woden. In this
year Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric, was born, who on the two and thirtieth year
of his reign received the rite of baptism, the first of all the kings in
A.D. 556 . In this year, Cynric and Ceawlin fought with the
Britons at Beranbury.
A.D. 560 . In this year Ceawlin undertook the government of the
West-Saxons; and Ella, on the death of Ida, that of the Northumbrians; each of whom reigned thirty winters. Ella was the
son of Iff, Iff of Usfrey, Usfrey of Wilgis, Wilgis of Westerfalcon, Westerfalcon of Seafowl, Seafowl of
Sebbald, Sebbald of Sigeat, Sigeat of Swaddy, Swaddy of Seagirt, Seagar of Waddy, Waddy of Woden, Woden of Frithowulf. Also in this year Ethelbert came to
the kingdom of the Cantuarians, and held it fifty-three winters. In his days the holy Pope Gregory sent us baptism. And Columba, the
mass-priest, came to the Picts, and converted them to the belief of Christ. They are the dwellers by the northern
moors. And their king gave him the island of Hii, consisting of five hides, as they say, where Columba built a monastary. There
he was abbot two and thirty winters; and there he died, when he was seventy-seven years old. The place his successors yet have.
The Southern Picts were long before baptized by Bishop Ninnia, who was taught at Rome. His church or monastery is at
Hwiterne, hallowed in the name of St. Martin, where he resteth with many holy men. Now, therefore, shall there be ever in Hii an abbot,
and no bishop; and to him shall be subject all the bishops of the Scots; because Columba was an abbot -- no bishop.
A.D. 568 . In this year Ceawlin, and Cutha the brother of
Ceawlin, fought with Ethelbert, and pursued him into Kent. And they slew two aldermen at Wimbledon, Oslake and Cnebba.
A.D. 571 . In this year Cuthulf fought with the Britons at
Bedford, and took four towns, Lenbury, Aylesbury, Benson, and Ensham. And this same year he died.
A.D. 577 . In this year Cuthwin and Ceawlin fought with the
Britons, and slew three kings, Commail, and Condida, and Farinmail, on the spot that is called Derham, and took from them three cities,
Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath.
A.D. 583 . In this year Mauricius succeeded to the empire of
the Romans.
A.D. 584 . In this year Ceawlin and Cutha fought with the
Britons on the spot that is called Fretherne. There Cutha was slain. And Ceawlin took many towns, as well as immense booty and wealth. He
then retreated to his own people.
A.D. 588 . In this year died King Ella; and Ethelric reigned
after him five years.
A.D. 591 . In this year there was a great slaughter of Britons
at Wanborough; Ceawlin was driven from his kingdom, and Ceolric reigned six years.
A.D. 592 . In this year Gregory succeeded to the papacy at
A.D. 593 . In this year died Ceawlin, and Cwichelm, and Cryda;
and Ethelfrith succeeded to the kingdom of the Northumbrians. He was the son of Ethelric; Ethelric of Ida.
A.D. 596 . In this year Pope Gregory sent Augustine to Britain
with very many monks, to preach the word of God to the English people.
A.D. 597 . In this year began Ceolwulf to reign over the West-Saxons; and he constantly fought and conquered, either with the
Angles, or the Welsh, or the Picts, or the Scots. He was the son of Cutha, Cutha of Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic, Cerdic of
Elesa, Elesa of Gewis, Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin, Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, and Balday of
Woden. This year came Augustine and his companions to England.