Blakeley Raise Stone Circle 

Lake District

This small circle to the south of the village of Ennerdale Bridge, consists of 11 stones set in a crude circle.  The circle measures approx. 17ft across.  The stones were re-erected in 1925 by Dr. Quinne.  As Dr. Quine only ever wrote of partial restoration, it is believed that most of the stones are still in their original positions.  There is also a report that says the circle originally consited of thirteen stones, and that eight of them were removed to form a gateway, and the stones that were replaced were these missing eight.

It is also mentioned that the circle has possible moonset alignments.

Nearby there is a standing stone called "The Great Stone of Blakeley".


Leaving the village of Ennerdale bridge travelling West, take the first left.  Approx 1km from the junction the circle is just a few paces from the roadside.


