

Although this quartz stone circle is approx. 38ft in diameter, there are only eight large and shiningly white quartz stones that make up the oval shaped circle.  The size of the stones varies up to approx. 8ft in height.  The largest of the stones weighs approx. 12 tonnes.  The circle here at Duloe is reputedly older than Stonehenge.

The circle at Duloe remained hidden until 1861, when the local Reverand had the hedge removed that ran right through the centre of the circle.  Once the hedge had been removed and the circle revealed, the stones were restored to their original standing positions.  Unfortunately, during the restoration, the  stone at the SE of the circle was broken, as so it still lies prostrate where it was found.  During the work carried out a Bronze Age urn was dug up.  Clumsily it was broken by the laborours, but it was filled with human bones.  The age of the bones caused them to crumble on contact with the air.  There was also quite a consideralbe amount of charcoal found with the circle during the restoration work.


Follow the B3254 from the village of Duloe and the circle is sign posted to the west of the road, in a field behind a farm.


